Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children Training
Available in English and Spanish, Stewards of Children is an evidence-informed program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. It is designed for both youth-serving organizations and individuals concerned about the safety of children.
When presented in a group setting, Stewards of Children is led by a Darkness to Light Authorized Facilitator. Engaging and thought-provoking, group led sessions include:
- A two-part DVD presentation with commentary from sexual abuse survivors, experts in the field, and concerned adults.
- A facilitator-led discussion emphasizes important issues in prevention within the community and organizations that serve children.
- An interactive workbook facilitates discussion, reinforces key concepts, and serves as a resource and personal action plan for resolving child sexual abuse.
Currently, this training is free for groups of 10 or more thanks to state funding.
Voices Carry Child Advocacy Center is happy to assist your organization in sponsoring or attending a Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children training. We have trained facilitators on staff and in the community to support this program. Contact Ana Pasini at ana@new.voicescarrycac.org or call the Center at 970-407-9739.
Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development
Research indicates that children who have open, accurate, developmentally-appropriate conversations with with their caregivers about their sexual development are less likely to engage in risky behavior, to become victims of sexual assault, or to victimize others.
Voices Carry offers a facilitated training program for adults who want to improve their understanding of sexual development in children ages 2-18 and to gain tools to talk more openly with kids about this traditionally awkward topic. The training session is approximately 3 hours, but may be divided into 2 90-minute sessions. Currently, this training is free for groups of 10 or more thanks to state funding. Contact Robert Fallbeck at robert@new.voicescarrycac.org or 970-407-9739 to schedule a training.
Lunch with the CAC
Lunch with the CAC is a FREE training available to professionals working in the field of child abuse, community members, and students. These events provide attendees with the latest research, best practices, and knowledge of resources within Larimer County. The training is held on a quarterly basis.